Faith UMC offers two adult education classes on Sunday mornings:
Faith Forum and Adult Bible Study.
The Faith Forum classes are available both in-person and via Zoom, and the Adult Bible Study is meeting in-person.
Both of the classes start at 9 am and end at 10 am
Faith Forum participants who want to get the Zoom link to take part should contact Tricia Grimes, the leader of the class, or contact the church office.
You are welcome to pick one of the classes and stick with it, or switch from one class to another depending on your interests. Hope to see you there!
Do you like to learn about and discuss contemporary issues and your faith? Faith Forum, for adults and high school students, features guest speakers talking about local and statewide social issues, particularly social, economic, and environmental justice. The group meets in the Ebenezer Room.
Some of our best discussions have taken place when members of Faith discuss their jobs, volunteering, and passions. If you are willing to talk about an interest of yours, we’d love to put you on our schedule. If you have a favorite local charity or nonprofit that you think we would benefit from hearing about, we’d like to schedule its representative for a Sunday morning discussion. Please contact Darlene Puncochar, Nancy Nielsen or Tricia, and Mark Grimes (the facilitators for the class).
The Sunday morning Bible Study digs into questions that many of us have about faith and spirituality. Come join the conversation and deepen your understanding and commitment to the work of Jesus.
The class meets in the Conference Room at 9 am.